After the Donald Sterling scandal in 2014, the Clippers RFP’d a number of agencies to help them rebrand. RPA won the business, and I’m proud to say that my campaign, “We Run As One,” was the centerpiece of the pitch. But I'm sad to say that a week after we won the pitch, Steve Ballmer bought the Clippers and insisted on a campaign that was more “punch you in the mouth.” Four rounds later, we sold the “Be Relentless” campaign, which I have not included on my site.
Ironically, two years later, the Houston Rockets claimed my “Run as One” tagline and kept it for 3 seasons.
The Clippers wanted simple "digital video" ideas to sell tickets and share on social, but player access and production dollars were very tight. So during the downtime at practices and meetings, we wanted to shoot cell phone video of the players responding to fan tweets with #WeRunAsOne.